Cards Against Humanity Teams With Netflix To Create “House Of Cards” Against Humanity Michael Lee, February 11, 2014February 11, 2014 Netflix’s original series House Of Cards just got a little bit more interesting. And when I say more interesting I mean more funny in the darkest most horrible way. In the days leading up to its season 2 premiere this Friday, February 14, Netflix and the team that brought you the horrible party game Cards Against Humanity have partnered up for a House Of Cards themed Cards Against Humanity extension pack. Now if you don’t have Cards Against Humanity do not worry, as you can simply download the extension for free. That’s right free. Hit the jump to learn more about this and to find out where you can get this themed extension pack.Using the free downloadable blank cards, fans have been able to create their own themed extension packs ranging from Breaking Bad to Game Of Thrones, of course Cards Against Humanity have their own themed extension packs which include 12 Days Of Holiday Bullshit, which really doesn’t need any explanation. But the House Of Cards extension pack is the first official pack to be released by the Cards Against Humanity Team.The House Of Cards themed pack can be found on its official website.What other themed packs would you like the Cards Against Humanity team to release?Again, House Of Cards debuts its second second exclusively on NetFlix.[Nerdist] News Viral News Cards Against HumanityHouse Of CardsKevin SpaceyNetflix
Piranha 3D Footage Needs To Be Taken Down July 31, 2010September 3, 2010You would think that a title like that would proclaim my love for new footage and excitement, and how bootlegged footage like the one from Thor, or the phony tracks from Tron: Legacy should have no place in this world. One can also look at that statement to remove the… Read More
Check Out These Fan Made Posters for Captain America and The Avengers June 4, 2010June 9, 2010This week, official concept art from next summers’ Marvel Studios films Captain America and Thor was released online. Now that we know what all the major players look like who will make up the Avengers team, let the photoshopping begin! Below the fold we have the best I’ve seen, as… Read More
“Paranormal Activity 2″ Viral: Confusing… Or Working? October 15, 2010October 18, 2010I’m just going to get this out in the open. There is no reason for me to lie to you. We’ve know each other for a long time, so here it is. What in the hell is going on with Paranormal Activity 2? I’m serious. I have no idea what… Read More