“The Signal” Trailer Michael Lee, March 19, 2014 If you thought you were agitated when the viral campaign for The Signal was launched, you are going to be even more agitated with its trailer. Not in a sense that you won’t see the movie, but the mystery surrounding both the film and viral campaign certainly has its intriguing factor. After skimming through the RUAGITATED website and the trailer, there is still nothing about the movie that I can really tell you about other than, it involves a group of three university students who are wrapped in a dangerous plot involving mysterious signals, mysterious agencies, and a mysterious hacker. Emphasis on the mysterious.So what exactly is the buzz about surrounding one of the most hyped movies that debuted at Sundance? Well hit the jump to see the trailer to see what we are talking about.Like I said, this trailer doesn’t do anything but make the movie more puzzling than it was before. Even describing the trailer in detail wouldn’t help. But when you see those pull quotes describing it as the next District 9, one can’t help but hope there is more emphasis on the viral marketing campaign.Opening in theaters on June 13, The Signal, directed by Willam Eubank, stars Brenton Thwaites, Olivia Cooke, Beau Knapp, Laurence Fishburne, Lin Shaye, Robert Longstreet, and Jeffrey Grover. Check out the trailer in HD over at Apple.Three college students on a road trip across the Southwest experience a detour: the tracking of a computer genius who has already hacked into MIT and exposed security faults. The trio find themselves drawn to an eerily isolated area. Suddenly everything goes dark. When one of the students, Nic (Brenton Thwaites of “The Giver” and “Maleficent”), regains consciousness, he is in a waking nightmare… Trailers Weekly Viral Marketing Viral News Brenton ThwaitesFocus FeaturesLaurence FishburneThe SignalWIlliam Eubank
Viral Video: A Brief History of Conspicuous Product Placement in Movies January 12, 2011Product placement has been a staple of American filmmaking since the motion camera was invented. Sometime it’s done with subtlety, while other times it’s blatant (which comical, whether intended or not). Oliver Noble over at Film Drunk gives us a history lesson on product placement in movies, specifically the more… Read More
LA Times Video Re-Cap of “TRON: Legacy” Viral February 10, 2011Jay West of the Los Angeles Times’ Hero Complex blog has posted a video summary of the TRON: Legacy viral/ARG campaign. It’s a pretty solid review, so check it out after the break. Read More
Ask Darth Vader Your Questions! August 25, 2011The Star Wars official website has a fun feature that lets you ask questions of the Dark Lord of the Sith himself, Darth Vader as a way to promote the Blu-Ray release of Star Wars: The Complete Saga. You can even unlock some “special moments” with Luke Skywalker’s father. Read More