Stuff To Do at SDCC: Explore “Sleepy Hollow” via Oculus Rift; Fly Through “Gotham” Caleb Hamilton, July 11, 2014July 11, 2014 The 2014 San Diego Comic Con is two weeks away and the many exhibitors who will be setting up shop are announcing their plans for activities to do inside and outside of the convention. FOX has revealed plans for two fun outdoor activities that attendees will want to check out: a virtual reality tour of Sleepy Hollow and a Gotham-themed zip-line. Get the details on both after the jump!FOX’s freshman supernatural series, Sleepy Hollow will return for a second season this fall and to promote the show, the network will set up the Sleepy Hollow Virtual Reality Experience at Petco Interactive Zone. You will wear an Oculus Rift headset and experience Sleepy Hollow while being chased by a Headless Horseman. Members of the cast and creative are expected to make appearances at this event, which runs from July 24th – July 27th from 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. PST. The other FOX experience at SDCC will be a zip line from the Hilton Bayside Hotel to the convention center through a “Gotham landscape”. After the ride, participants will receive a commemorative Gotham badge and a “sharable” photo. FOX will also have Gotham City Police cars driving around to give rides to tired fans after walking around the show floor all day. The cars will have iPads installed, offering sneak peeks of Gotham. Best part is, the rides are free! Both of these experiences will run from July 24th – July 27th as well.MovieViral will be in San Diego again this year covering all things viral! Be sure to check back often for more pre-con coverage!Source: SDCCBlog Comic-Con Conventions Events Viral Marketing FoxGothamSan Diego Comic Con 2014Sleepy Hollow
ARGs & Campaigns Norton And Google Chrome Reveal Alternative “X-Men: Days Of Future Past” Timeline May 2, 2014May 2, 2014While the excitement for X-Men: Days of Future Past builds as the release date draws nearer, Norton and Google Chrome have rolled out a cool interactive viral campaign for the movie. If you hop onto the X-Tension (Only viewable on Google Chrome–that’s the catch) you’re able to view an alternate… Read More
2012 – 5 Minutes of Mayhem October 1, 2009October 1, 2009The Comcast/Fancast exclusive 5 minute footage of 2012 is a lot better than I thought. So for that, all I will say is, enjoy. 2012 opens nationwide on November 13th Read More
Vote For Your Favorites in This “The Dark Knight Rises” T-Shirt Contest! April 5, 2012April 5, 2012Warner Bros. and Design By Humans, an “ongoing t-shirt design competition and community”, have teamed up to bring fans of Chris Nolan’s Batman franchise the chance to design a t-shirt inspired by the upcoming final chapter, The Dark Knight Rises. The winning designer will get money and stuff, but the… Read More