Universal Pictures And Spritz Will Help You To Read Like “Lucy” Michael Lee, July 14, 2014July 14, 2014 Movie websites are quickly falling by the wayside thanks in part to social media. Instead of fans constantly checking up on a particular website only to see no updates, Facebook, Twitter, Vine, and other social media platforms can bring those updates to the respective platforms in an instant. But on those rare occasions, a movie website will have something of interest that will draw you to the site.NBCUniversal and Spritz have teamed up to help promote Luc Besson‘s upcoming Lucy, starring Scarlett Johansson and Morgan Freeman. In the film Lucy is injected with a drug that allows her to use more than 10% of her brain, which is what the average human is capable of. A new page on Lucy’s website will actually measure how much of your brain you are using through a series of tests. Do you think you have what it takes to access more than 10% of your brain? Hit the jump to find out.While the site does has a series of tests that will measure your brain’s capacity through math questions, visual acuity, and other mindbending tasks, what the site really does is promote Spritz, a texting stream technology that will read a site or highlighted text one streaming word at a time. The page uses the Spritz technology, and acts as though you are reading like Lucy would, and thus promoting the movie as well in one fell swoop.Spritz is available for most desktops like Firefox, Safari, Chrome and even IE. It is also available for most smartphones.In a world run by the mob, street gangs, drug addicts and corrupt cops, Lucy (Scarlett Johansson) is a woman living in Taipei, Taiwan who is forced to work as a drug mule for the mob. The drug implanted in her body inadvertently leaks into her system, which allows her to use more than the normal 10% of her brain’s capacity, thus changing her into a superhuman.As a result, she can absorb information instantaneously, is able to move objects with her mind, and can choose not to feel pain or other discomforts.Lucy opens in theaters on July 25. Apps luc bessonLucyScarlett JohanssonSpritzUniversal Pictures
“The Last Stand” Asks You “What Would Arnold Say?” December 23, 2012April 15, 2015Briefly: Arnold Schwarzenegger’s next film The Last Stand is a classic action story with Arnold as a sheriff of a border town who has to stop bank robbers from getting into Mexico. The film’s Facebook page has an image caption contest, called “What Would Arnold Say?”, where you could win… Read More
See “Captain America: Winter Soldier” Before Anyone Else Using The “Captain America Experience” App March 2, 2014There are many smart phone apps that allow you to experience the movie in a whole new way, hether it is a game or a photo splice. To help promote the upcoming release of Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Marvel has released the Captain America Experience, an app that gives… Read More
Bed Down With “The Incredible Burt Wonderstone” March 14, 2013Briefly: The Steve Carrell magician comedy The Incredible Burt Wonderstone opens in theaters tomorrow, but if you want to know what it’s like to be in the (supposedly) world’s biggest bed, you can try the Bed Down With Burt online game. Collect coins to make it to the next stage,… Read More