ARGs & Campaigns Norton And Google Chrome Reveal Alternative “X-Men: Days Of Future Past” Timeline Sabina, May 2, 2014May 2, 2014 While the excitement for X-Men: Days of Future Past builds as the release date draws nearer, Norton and Google Chrome have rolled out a cool interactive viral campaign for the movie. If you hop onto the X-Tension (Only viewable on Google Chrome–that’s the catch) you’re able to view an alternate…
Conventions WonderCon Interview: Five Tidbits From Luc Besson On ‘Lucy’ And Directing Sabina, April 21, 2014 MovieViral was able to participate in a roundtable discussion with ‘Lucy’ director Luc Besson (The Fifth Element) after a WonderCon presentation for his upcoming picture. Hit the jump to learn the five most important things we learned during the talk about the movie, it’s inspiration and his craft.
First Clip Of “The Fault In Our Stars” From The MTV’s Movie Awards Sabina, April 14, 2014 At the MTV Movie Awards viewers got a chance to catch a sneak peek at John Green‘s The Fault in Our Stars, the movie poised to charm your pants off when it comes out on June 6th. Here we have a clip of Ansel Elgort as the charismatic Augustus Waters uttering…
ARGs & Campaigns “The Fault In Our Stars” Fanatics Can Be In A Music Video Or Become Fan Ambassador Sabina, April 10, 2014 Can we finally make “French the Llama!” happen? Because Nerdfighters, we have so much cause to celebrate! You’ve undoubtedly been following in anticipation all the news leading up to The Fault in Our Stars hitting theaters over on the Vlogbrothers channel–and hopefully our site too . You’ve demanded your stars…
Apps Family Guy: The Quest For Stuff Needs You To Save Quahog Sabina, April 3, 2014April 3, 2014 Movie Viral was able to attend a celebration at the Drunken Clam in honor of Family Guy’s newest game app The Quest for Stuff. On hand were cast members such as (Mayor) Adam West and Alex Borestein (Lois Griffin). West kicked off the event with a small introduction that this…