“The Grand Budapest Hotel” Viral Marketing Campaign Launches Zubrowka Film Commission Website Michael Lee, February 5, 2014February 5, 2014 Last week, we posted an article about the newly launched viral marketing campaign for Wes Anderson‘s The Grand Budapest Hotel. AkademieZubrowka website offered an exclusive look at where the film is set and some of the props that are going to be used in the film. Now a new site,…
“The Grand Budapest Hotel” Launches Quirky Viral Educational Website Michael Lee, January 28, 2014January 28, 2014 Fox Searchlight Pictures has just launched a new viral marketing website for Wes Anderson‘s upcoming film The Grand Budapest Hotel. The site, the AkademieZubrowka, reveals the faux history of the Republic of Zubrowka, home of the illustrious Grand Budapest Hotel. The hotel was the home to many celebrity debutantes, priceless…
“RoboCop” Viral Marketing Searches For Human Volunteers Michael Lee, January 28, 2014January 28, 2014 Much of the RoboCop viral marketing campaign has centered around the technological conglomerate OmniCorp. This is the company that turned a nearly dead Alex Murphy into the new cybernetic threat against crime. In past campaigns, we have seen RoboCop in PSAs and participate in CES panels, but now the company…
“Fifty Shades Of Grey” Unveils Viral Marketing Campaign And Teaser Poster Michael Lee, January 24, 2014January 24, 2014 While the Sam Taylor-Johnson directed adaptation of E.L James’ Fifty Shades Of Grey isn’t due to be released into theaters until Valentine’s Day 2015, Universal is already launching the viral marketing campaign for the film. The studio has also released the first poster from the film, in what the marketing…
“That Awkward Moment” Viral Marketing Launches Relationship Quiz On Tumblr Kevin C, January 17, 2014 That Awkward Moment stars Michael B. Jordan, Zac Efron, Miles Teller as three best friends who are at different stages of a “relationship.” To help promote the film Focus Features launched a newly released interactive quiz featuring the three actors on Tumblr site. This hybrid video/quiz site gives the viewer…