Cars Gone Viral Scott Caldwell, February 13, 2010February 13, 2010 What happens when you can’t show something in a commercial, even though you know your customers do exactly this, because it’s illegal?Don’t make a commercial…..make a film!That’s exactly what BMW did with it’s great series of shorts for its line of cars in order to show just how ballsy their cars are. By bringing on some of the best directors (Ritchie, Woo) as well as some great actors, they let you see what a BMW can really do, with the help of some smoke and mirrors of course. Also, pay attention to the driver. You may know him as this series is what pushed him to where his is today in film. Quite a strong presence for a car. Hostage:Star: Now let’s take a look at another campaign, only this time, for Audi. Yes, I know there are two high end cars in this article, but I just don’t see a Dodge mini-van pulling out all the stops for this type of marketing. A while back, we had an interview with Michael Monello of Campfire, and at the beginning, he mentioned Audi, and “The Art of the Heist”. This wasn’t a film like you just watched with BMW, although it does have it’s theatrical moments. This was full on ARG and a “in your face” type of participation, which all starts with something just as illegal as above. A robbery. Take a look. So what do you think? We need more of this kind of viral marketing in the commercial world? It’s obviously works, so why aren’t we seeing more of it. Or are we, and we just haven’t realized it yet? Viral Marketing AudiBMWCommercials
Skype Shines A Light On Heroes ‘Behind The Shield’ With Captain America February 27, 2014February 27, 2014Captain America is one of Marvel’s supers who represents the everyman as a symbol of heroism, of the commitment to make the world a better place. In honor of the upcoming film both Skype and Marvel have partnered up with the cast of Captain America: The Winter Soldier to salute… Read More
Alan’s Insanity Expressed On New “The Hangover Part III” Tumblr April 17, 2013April 17, 2013While there have been some great tumblr sites that were used for some viral marketing campaigns, there are a few that feel like they are last ditch efforts from the digital marketing department. Take for instance the latest tumblr for The Hangover Part III, set up by the WB team…. Read More
David Fincher’s “The Social Network” Gets an Interactive Trailer, Breaks Down Facebook September 15, 2010Interactive trailers are becoming more popular lately, and its probably due to the fact you can cramp a lot of interesting stuff into the same package as a regular online trailer. Movies like Scott Pilgrim and Avatar have plenty to fill that space with, usually behind the scenes footage are… Read More
The automotive world seems to have really caught on to online and viral advertising.Volvo did it as well, teaming up with Spike Jones to create “The Mystery Of Dalero” Where 32 people from a small town all went out and bought a Volvo.