Flynn Lives: Tron Legacy Event In IMAX Nick Butler, February 24, 2010October 18, 2011 has discovered the site that FlynnLives is leading us to, Pit Cell. The page describes an “exclusive event” for FlynnLives members in 5 international IMAX theaters. The event will take place February 27th, and tickets will become available tomorrow, February 25th. More after the jump.The site, discovered through a random tweet, includes the image that (at the time of this writing) is still being unvieled on FlynnLives. As we reported earlier today, the drop sites had cards with codes which in turn unlocked an image on FlynnLives. Operatives were also given a cell phone, so there may be more to this – we’ll have to see.As for the Pit Cell site, it doesn’t reveal what will be shown in IMAX, but one can only assume it’s a new, lengthy clip from the film. Here’s a list of the locations:New York AMC Loews Lincoln Square IMAX – Sat., Feb. 27, 10:00AM ESTLos Angeles IMAX Theatre at The Bridge – Sat., Feb. 27, 2:30PM PSTLondon bfi London IMAX Cinema – Sat., Feb. 27, 1:30PM GMTToronto Scotiabank IMAX Theater – Sat., Feb. 27, 11:00AM ESTSydney LG IMAX Theatre – Sun., Feb. 28, 10:00AM EDTAgain, the tickets become available tomorrow (4/25) at 4PM Est.UPDATE 7:26PM: Apparently now when you click on the yellow “yes bit” (diamond), it takes you to PitCell. I’ve been told it only works on Internet Explorer (that made me sad, I’m sure they’ll fix it).UPDATE 7:44PM: Alex from FirstShowing thinks it’ll be the new trailer. I’d agree with that. But it seems like there would be more to it, for them to put an entire hunt together. I’m thinking it may be a screening of Alice in Wonderland, in addition to a clip/trailer. I guess we’ll find out.What do you think the event is for? Is it for that long awaited trailer, or something less (or more)? Leave a comment below! Viral Marketing ARGdropFlynn LivesimaxpitcellTron Legacy
Justin Bieber Attacked By “That Awkward Moment” Twitter Account January 30, 2014January 30, 2014Twitter is easily the best way to send out a 140 character mirco-blog that can quickly go viral. As seen on Marvel vs. Star Wars Twitter battle, it is also one of the places to get into a heated argument. Okay, maybe the Marvel and Star Wars Twitter feud was… Read More
Viral Video: Thankful Oscars March 6, 2010March 6, 2010With the Academy Awards just one day away, the Oscars have a hold on the industry right now. Fortunately, all that coverage can give us some funny viral videos, like this one from Whirled Interactive, which creates a remix of several long Oscar acceptance speeches. With the producers of the… Read More
‘Man Of Steel’ Viral Site Teaches You Everything About Krypton November 5, 2013With Zack Snyder‘s Man of Steel hitting Blu-ray/DVD shelves next week, Warner Brothers has launched a brand new viral website for the film called The site is designed specifically to teach you everything the humans (LexCorp and S.T.A.R. Labs to be more precise) have learned about the planet Krypton…. Read More
There can’t be a screening of Alice, at least not in Toronto.Pit Cell says the Scotiabank theatre in Toronto at 11am. On the site, there’s a showing of Avatar at noon, and the theatre only has one IMAX screen.
Somebody said something similiar about the L.A. screening. Apparently that screen has something scheduled at 3:15. 45 minutes after the 2:30 showing.
This might be an extended trailer in 3D specifically for Flynn Lives. Pr it’s something completely different….guess we’ll find out Saturday! By the way does anyone remember any other film that has had THIS elaborate of a viral marketing / ad campaign? With the ComicCon Flynn’s Arcade scavenger hunt, the light cycle reveal, and now this, I’ve never seen anything like this before….and it’s awesome!