Community To Have Twitter Episode Before Season Premiere Dan Koelsch, September 23, 2010September 26, 2010 Community‘s second season starts tonight on NBC, but the tech-savvy network is kicking things off a bit early. While the show starts at 8pm (7pm Central), NBC will do a “Twittersode” at 7pm. Get the details after the break. Back in January we told you how NBC had set up Twitter accounts for some of the characters of Community. Now they are finally being used for something interesting. You can follow the events of Twitter episode at or by following the official Twitter list of Community characters. The concept will be that over the course of the hour (leading up to the Season 2 premiere), the characters will interact in a way that tells a full story. This should be an interesting experiment. Below is what NBC has to say about the viral plan. Welcome to the exclusive Community Twittersode, where your favorite study group gears up for their second year at Greendale Community College and prepares for their first class, Anthropology. So get in on the action and don’t forget to retweet and use the #NBCCommunity hashtag!Check out the live Twittersode happening Thursday, 9/23 at 7pm EST/4pm PST! Source: /Film Social Networks Viral Marketing CommunityNBCTwitter
Has “The Dark Knight Rises” Viral Campaign Begun? December 7, 2011Just a few hours after writing about how The Dark Knight Rises still had hope for a viral campaign, our wish may have come true. Two fake CIA documents have been sent out that that might be the start of the campaign. Get the details after the break. Read More
Super 8 Viral: Folder and Audio File Found June 2, 2010June 10, 2010After weeks of poking and prodding, a small break has finally been made on the remote computer desktop seen on Scariest Thing I Ever Saw. While this may not be a huge step in Super 8 viral, at least it’s something to tide us over until the Rocket Poppeteers website… Read More
ARGs & Campaigns Cloverfield 2: What We Know & Viral Marketing Campaign (Slusho!) January 8, 2024September 23, 2024Paramount has has confirmed that the fourth installment in the Cloverfield film franchise will be a direct sequel to the 2008 found-footage film. The origin story of this website is deeply rooted in the 2008 cult classic found-footage monster movie Cloverfield. One year after the movie’s release on 1-18-08, this… Read More