“The Amazing Spider-Man” Viral Begins Twitter Scavenger Hunts Caleb Hamilton, February 10, 2012March 21, 2012 When the theatrical trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man earlier this week, a hidden message was spotted toward the end. When plugged into a web address, a site was discovered with six video screens filled with static and the new film’s logo. Nobody had any clue what this was for…until tonight. What is the “Mark of the Spider-Man”? Find out after the jump.This afternoon, a twitter account was created for the Mark of the Spider-Man. Soon after, it tweeted a message that included coordinates.Since then, four more tweets have gone out, each with two locations in one state. So far, Peter has lost items in New York City, Atlanta, two locations in Colorado (Denver and Glendale), Phoenix and Seattle.A Twitter user in Atlanta found some of the lost items. Below you can see that there was a backpack filled with shoes, a sketchbook and other various items (Follow @dag_kurt for more pictures)Be sure to follow the official Mark of the Spider-Man twitter account for more clues. ARGs & Campaigns Social Networks Viral Marketing Columbia PicturesMark of the Spider-ManSony PicturesThe Amazing Spider-ManTwitter
The Winner for Best Tumblr Goes to “Joffrey Bieber” April 24, 2013There’s a beast in every man, and it stirs when you put Photoshop in his hands. It’s hard to find someone worth hating more than young King Joffrey on HBO’s Game of Thrones. Fortunately, Justin Bieber exists. Some clever person put two and two together to make the Joffrey Bieber… Read More
Viral Marketing Demand To See “Paranormal Activity 2” First and For Free September 20, 2010September 26, 2010Oren Peli’s Paranormal Activity had a unique trip to its $108 million domestic gross last year. Paramount bought the distribution rights after the $15,000 horror flick made the film festival rounds, but didn’t give it a wide release for its theatrical debut in September. However, the possible audience response got… Read More
Three New “Hunger Games” Viral Motion Posters February 11, 2012February 11, 2012We are a little under two months away from the release of the highly anticipated adaptation of The Hunger Games. We’ve been extensively covering the viral for this from top to bottom, making sure nothing was missed, and now we’ve got some very new updates to The Hunger Games Viral…. Read More
Check out what I found!In the newspaper of the 3° pic, there is something odd with the text in the black square. If you try to read it (there is a better photo in http://twitter.com/dag_kurt/status/168122132021256193/photo/1 ), you’ll see that the first characters spell “slashprepare”.So, obviously the clue takes you to http://markofthespider-man.com/prepare. The page shows a list of steps you have to somehow follow in markofthespider-man.com (counting from left to right and from up to down, the steps are 1-6-4-2-5-3-2-4-5-3-2-1-6-3-6-2-1-4-2-5).And then, when you click the TV-like squares in the homepage, it shows you whatever the hell is in my pic. Every square is an american city (Atlanta, Denver, LA, NYC, Phoenix & Seattle) with a different countdown pointing into February 13… whatever it means.I have no clue about what comes next, but it’s still something, ain’t it? 😉