“Hunger Games” Viral: Get Your District’s ID Card Caleb Hamilton, March 24, 2012March 24, 2012 The Hunger Games have finally started, but the viral is still going strong! Last month it was announced that all citizens of Panem are required to carry physical DIPs (District Identification Pass). Lionsgate and CafePress partnered to offer Hunger Games fans their own DIPs when they register with The Capitol. Get the details after the jump!The Capitol has allowed citizens of Panem to claim their district ID cards. You can make yours by logging in to your Panem profile on the Capitol Facebook page. Afterwards, you are taken to CafePress, where you can browse other items made by fans of The Hunger Games. Your ID card will be in the shopping cart, waiting for you to check out. The ID itself is free, you just pay shipping.Here’s an example of what your DIP would look like. I got mine today, and they look really good!The Hunger Games is out now in theaters and in IMAX (for one week only!) ARGs & Campaigns Social Networks Viral Marketing FacebookLionsgateThe Hunger GamesViral marketing
A New App Asks “Are You Smarter Than An Ape?” July 15, 2011In the reboot of the Planet of the Apes franchise, Rise of the Planet of the Apes, scientists try to cure Alzheimer’s disease with a drug that leads to the dramatic increase of intelligence in a chimpanzee. Of course, in real-life that sort of thing wouldn’t happen, but it has… Read More
Christoph Waltz Is DJesus on SNL February 17, 2013Last night, Django Unchained star Christoph Waltz hosted Saturday Night Live. While there were several skits that were hilarious, the best was clearly the fake trailer where Waltz takes on Quentin Tarantino films. Watch that sketch, as well as the entire episode, after the break. Read More
2012 Viral: Preservation Lists and Charlie Frost Ads August 4, 2009August 6, 2009Sony has launched a new website called 2012preservationlist.net, where they ask you, “What Would You Take With You in 2012?”. It makes sense that someone should start coming up with a list of artwork worth preserving after the world is destroyed. The site has four sections: Film, Art, Literature, and… Read More
I think its stupid that you have to have a facebook… Because I love the hunger games and I dont have a facebook and I can’t get one
It’s so stupid that u need a face book! It sucks 4 people like me cuz Im not allowed to get a facebook!!! 🙁
Ugh! tell me about it! ive been searching 4ever to make an ID and they all say you need a Facebook! stupid facebook.
i hate it because they gave me district 7 and im district 12!!!! no jokes i have brown hair and grey eyes (minus the olive skin but still)
My daughter wants one but she is too young for facebook or twitter but i think you can have an email account with Google?