2010 MovieViral Awards: Vote For Your Favorites! Dan Koelsch, January 10, 2011January 11, 2011 It’s that time of year. This is our 2nd Annual MovieViral Awards, where YOU the fan gets to vote for the winners! After the break, vote in each category for which virals deserved to be recognized. For our opinion on the categories (as well as us explaining them a bit), make sure to listen to our latest ViralCast. The polls will close on Monday, January 17th at midnight (Pacific time), so get your votes in now! QuestionsView Results(See bottom for links to our coverage of nominees in all “campaign” categories) QuestionsView ResultsQuestionsView ResultsQuestionsView ResultsQuestionsView ResultsInfo: Which movie intertwined the elements of the viral best into the film and vice versa? QuestionsView ResultsLinks for our coverage of each nominee in this category: ElecTRONica, Last Call, Community, Scott Pilgrim, Buried QuestionsView ResultsLinks for our coverage of each nominee in this category: Repo Men, ElecTRONica, Tron at WonderCon, Tron at Comic-Con, Virginity Hit Billboard QuestionsView ResultsQuestionsView ResultsQuestionsView ResultsLinks for our coverage of each nominee in this category: Castle, Community, Glee, The Office, Caprica QuestionsView ResultsQuestionsView ResultsLinks for our coverage of each nominee in this category: Community, Conan, Crazies, Cookie Monster, Tangled QuestionsView ResultsLinks for our coverage of each nominee in this category: Yogi Bear, Filmography 2010, Comic-Con, Rent is Too Damn UP, Scarface Links to our coverage of all Campaign nominees: The Crazies, Inception, The Last Exorcism, Let Me In, Repo Men, Salt, Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World, Takers, Toy Story 3, Tron Legacy. There were a lot of great virals, ARGS, and videos this year, and we wish we could highlight them all. If you think your favorite got snubbed, let us know in the comments below! We want to thank everyone for a great year, and we’ll announce the winners in a week! Features Site News MovieViral Awards
The Buzz: The Oscars, The Amazing Spider-Man 2, and Iron Man 3 March 1, 2013The Buzz is a feature in which we round up the Top 3 most-buzzed-about movie/TV stories of the week (in more-or-less chronological order). Why go through pages of blogs just to find out what everyone is talking about? We’ve got it all right here in The Buzz. Read More
How to Ruin a Viral: Make It “Official” May 27, 2009July 18, 2010What’s the best way to ruin a viral for a film? Slap the film’s logo on it. Read More
The Buzz: Finding Nemo Sequel, Texting in Theaters, and The Dark Knight Rises Tragedy July 20, 2012The Buzz is a feature in which we round up the Top 3 most-buzzed-about movie/TV stories of the week (in chronological order). Why go through pages of blogs just to find out what everyone is talking about? We’ve got it all right here. Read More