Would The Real John Carter Please Stand Up? Caleb Hamilton, December 3, 2011 Looks like Disney has launched a viral campaign for their upcoming film, John Carter. Andrew Stanton, director of John Carter, is looking for all of the John Carter’s of Earth. If your name is John Carter (or if you know a John Carter), you fit the bill. Hit the jump for more!If you are John Carter or if you know someone named John Carter, head over to realjohncarter.com and register (or refer the John Carter you know) to attend a secret advanced screening of the movie. Once you register you’ll also be notified when the search for “The Real John Carter” begins. The winner of this contest will be sent on a journey to find themselves in “another world”.Check out this video message from director, Andrew Stanton:John Carter hits theaters in Disney Digital 3D and IMAX 3D on March 9th, 2012! Social Networks Viral Marketing John CarterViral marketingWalt Disney Pictures
New Super 8 Editing Room Clips Reveal Spacecraft and More On Alien June 1, 2011The Super 8 Editing Room now has a lot more clips thanks in part to the new Development Room. We finally get to see some of the spacecraft the alien came on, as well as a clue as to how those cubes fit into this whole thing. Get all the… Read More
Viral Video: Heidi Montag’s Transformers 3 Audition Tape May 27, 2010A week ago we showed you Chris Klein’s bizarre singing audition for Mamma Mia. May seems to be the month of leaked try-outs, as reality star Heidi Montag took it upon herself to film a short Transformers 3 audition video for director Michael Bay. Check it out after the break. Read More
3 New Posters for The Crazies January 11, 2010Nothing says your town is screwed quite like an infected auto mechanic. Thanks to a post from Arrow in the Head, we have some great posters that promote the film, and in addition, they promote the viral. Ogden Marsh, as we all know is the setting for the movie, as… Read More