Prometheus: Weyland Industries Launches Project Genesis Dan Koelsch, June 8, 2012 Ridley Scott’s Alien prequel Prometheus opens in theaters today, so now the viral campaign must come to a close. Weyland Industries has begun Project Genesis to mark a final viral event. A few weeks ago, we got a video message that Dr. Elizabeth Shaw (played by Noomi Rapace) makes for Weyland Industries founder Peter Weyland. In it, she pleads with him to commission an expedition that we know will become the plot for Prometheus. Apparently, that video message worked, since now she is working for the company. Below is the website’s vague description of Project Genesis.Weyland Industries has contracted Dr. Elizabeth Shaw to help further her groundbreaking research on anthropological traces of a shared human origin. This stage of research requires outside agents to assist in the search for artifacts and sites from a variety of cultures that support her hypothesis.As FirstShowing reports, the global search has been completed, with all 30 locations unlocked. The page has a message that leads to a zip file of Dr. Shaw’s research dossier. There are eight pages of notes on ancient artifacts and five memos that talk about Project Genesis and the build up to the expedition that will be Project Prometheus. Take a look below. Be sure to check out the Project Prometheus website for more goodies, such as the Employee ID Creator (like mine below) and Crew Bios. ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing Project GenesisProject PrometheusPrometheus
Facebook Apps for “Pitch Perfect” and CBS’s “Vegas” September 13, 2012Two new Facebook Apps debuted recently for very different projects. Universal’s musical comedy Pitch Perfect comes out next month, and their Facebook app involves internet memes. The new CBS television drama Vegas might be more serious, but their Facebook app is just as glitzy. Get the details on both after… Read More
Conan O’Brien’s “Show Zero” Airs Live Online November 1, 2010Conan O’Brien and the Team Coco staff have been doing a lot of great Internet marketing for the new talk show Conan on TBS. Tonight, we were promised a live test show before the premiere next Monday. Unfortunately, it was sort of a trick, as we got a mini-episode that… Read More
Encom Press Conference and Protest Live Feed April 2, 2010April 2, 2010The Tron Legacy Operation Tron viral event starts at 6:30pm tonight! If you aren’t able to make it to the San Francisco Encom Press Conference or Protest meeting, you’re in luck, because we have a live feed of the event, courtesy of 4DFiction. Check out the streaming video (which begins… Read More