Viral Video Round Up: Angry Birds in Star Trek, The Dark Knight, Black Swan, More Oscars, Rick Roll, Anonymous On Colbert, and More! Dan Koelsch, February 27, 2011 YouTuber TheTrailerCREATor has made several mash-up fan trailers, and their latest mixes the audio from the real X-Men: First Class trailer with footage from all the previous X-Men movies. [via GeekTyrant] SlateV has a cool video that highlights “Oscar’s Finest Moments”, and presents it in an award show fashion. Speaking of the Oscars, Ellen and Neil Patrick Harris reenact all ten Academy Award Best Picture Nominees in about 3 minutes. What would it look like if the comic Archie was made into a modern film? Watch the fan made trailer for “Riverdale”. [via /Film] Mike Relm is back with a Scott Pilgrim remix.Click Here To Continue Reading >>>Pages: 1 2 3 Fan Made Work Social Networks Viral Marketing Viral News Viral Videos AnonymousArchieawardsColbert ReportHow It Should Have EndedI Am Number FourI Am SamInceptionMike RelmOscarsRick RollScott PilgrimStar TrekThe Chronicles of Rick RollThe NeverEnding StoryWikileaksX-MenX-Men: First ClassYouTube
“The Optimist” Explores Walt’s Haunts & Connections To Brad Bird’s “Tomorrowland” July 30, 2013July 30, 2013Just a few days after Comic-Con kicked off, The Optimist, a viral campaign for Brad Bird’s Tomorrowland, was launched. Little was known about the actual ARG, and since it’s debut earlier this July, fans and players have been combing through the site in hopes of finding another clue to the… Read More
DreamWorks to Have a “Fright Night Feeding Freenzy” Event At Comic-Con June 24, 2011June 25, 2011With Marvel announcing that they would not be making an appearance at Comic-Con this year, it seems that other studios will be taking advantage of their absence by filling it with their own panels. Fright Night will be making a special appearance at the San Diego Comic-Con this year, a… Read More
Mobile Communication Slow To Go Viral November 20, 2009Have you ever wondered why so few viral marketing campaigns ever go mobile? Granted, The Dark Knight did a good job using mobile communication to send out automated phone calls that supplemented the online viral, but few films have taken advantage of the opportunities that the medium provides. Well, Nancy… Read More