12 Days of Viral – DAY SIX Scott Caldwell, December 18, 2009December 17, 2009 On the sixth day of viral, my movie gave to me….. Password protection. This, by far, may be one of the most exciting parts of a viral. Once you see that screen where you have to enter a password, people go nuts trying everything from 1234 to the zip code of the city the viral takes place in. Looking everywhere you possibly can to find that code, which never turns out to be simple. Who would have thought to use “jllovesth” as a password. And to that person, we thank you! You can look at one like Cloverfield and think “how nice, why didn’t I think of that?”. Then, you can take the complete opposite, and look at the film Terminator Salvation and the site of Skynet Research. There password was far from plain and simple. In fact, it was “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious“. Well, maybe not that, but it was extremely close. I can honestly say though, other than the Terminator password (that was posted on our forum!), I wish I knew how these were found. I remember when Cloverfield’s was posted back in our early stage of 1-18-08news.com (yeah, that was us – long story*). I was wondering how it came about. And, maybe I will continue that questioning. The viral site of Aerospace Robotics Corp had a password. It wasn’t a guess. Somehow these are handed to us, and maybe we don’t even know it.Or, maybe we have such a dedicated group of viral followers, of all levels, and with enough time, the password will be found. Yeah, I like that one better. With that said, we’re coming for you DPChemicals. We’ll see you soon. *Join the forum to learn more! Other Days In The “12 Days of Viral” Series: A trailer without a title A Twitter account with the truth Three Websites My face on the site 800 Numbers Viral Marketing 2012CloverfieldTerminator SalvationThe Crazies
‘Better Call Saul’ Fans Can Snack On Sweet Deal From Cinnabon February 9, 2015February 9, 2015In the Breaking Bad episode “Granite Slate,” Saul Goodman (Bob Odenkirk) predicted his own fate of managing a Cinnabon somewhere in Nebraska after the collapse of Walter White’s meth empire. The series premiere of Better Call Saul opened with the titular character changing his name from Saul to Gene, and… Read More
HitRECord Kicks Off Tour and Makes Big Announcement November 14, 2012Editor’s Note: hitRECord is an online collaborative production company founded by actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt. The following is a review by friend of the site Jackie Tuttle of the first night of the organization’s “On the Road” Fall tour. I will not kick a fan girl in the shins… I will… Read More
‘X-Men: Apocalypse’ Launches Early Viral Marketing Campaign September 24, 2014September 24, 2014It is never too early to start a marketing campaign for a film like X-Men: Apocalypse. And 20th Century Fox is starting some very early marketing promotion for the upcoming film, which will be directed by Byran Singer, by launching two new viral marketing websites. The film is actually no… Read More