12 Days of Viral – DAY TWELVE Scott Caldwell, December 24, 2009December 22, 2009 On the twelfth day of viral, my movie gave to me….. Public displays This is it folks. The final piece of MovieViral’s ongoing holiday series. And I saved the best for last. If you want to get people’s attention, then get people to be a part. If we start with District 9, then you will know that it started at Comic-Con in 2008. Banners were appearing in the halls, the bathrooms, and water fountains all over the place. Right off the bat you have a nice audience participation based off of a website, and of course, these odd posters and banners all over the place. The nice thing about this film, is the fact that it carried out the same style and reasoning behind the banners from Comic-Con right out into the street about a year later. Tron Legacy went a completely different route with a “scavenger hunt” of sorts. Leading, yet again, Comic-Con (2009) viewers through the streets and alleys of San Diego, looking at posters with blacklights for clues, and eventually leading them to the mecah of all Tron -dom-ness (yes, you can use that), Flynn’s Arcade! This place housed some great old school games, including, but not limited to, the original Tron. And of course, the jackpot of all finds, the new light bike Now, if you want to talk participation, there is truly only one film to discuss. The Dark Knight took viral a not only a whole new level, but to a whole new arena of marketing where it reigns king. No other film can close to the participation that film saw. Hell, I’m not even going to call it participation. We’ll call it dedication. You have people lining the streets in Joker makeup. You have people yelling out their believe for Harvey Dent. You even had newscasters wearing the pins!This was phones is cakes, numbers in the sky, makeup, suits, defaced trailers, and real life bat signals. This was a campaign that will have others knock down the rest by a few notches for years to come. And I bet when it too gets knocked down, we’ll have the scoop on what did it. I hope you enjoyed the 12 Days of Viral series, and from all of us at MovieViral, have safe, fun, and Happy Holidays!Other Days In The “12 Days of Viral” Series: A trailer without a title A Twitter account with the truth Three Websites My face on the site 800 Numbers Password protection Facebook interaction Contests and winnings Cell phones for calling Videos and Youtube Physical mailings Viral Marketing District 9The Dark KnightTron Legacy
Newest “Apollo 18” Document Outlines Preparation For Launch, Gives Dates? January 5, 2011January 9, 2011Ask you and you shall receive. While I was happy to see multiple documents pop up on the Apollo 18 Cosmonauts subpage, one of things I was really looking for were dates. In the newest document discovered today (again by Alex Rivero), we get just that. Take a look for… Read More
This Just In: A Generic News Report January 28, 2010January 28, 2010Have you ever watched the news and noticed something…familiar about all those reports filed by correspondents? The same images, tone of voice, and even the structure? Charlie Brooker of BBC Four’s talkshow Newswire definitely notices the similarities. He filed this video report after the jump. Read More
Cast of “Take Me Home Tonight” Reenact 80s Movies February 12, 2011February 12, 2011Its time to familiarize yourself with 80s movies, and Topher Grace, Anna Faris, Dan Fogler and Teresa Palmer will help you remember that decade. The music video features the entire cast from Take Me Home Tonight reenacting scenes from various 80s movies, plus a few surprise cameos. Although the music… Read More