12 Days of Viral – DAY TEN Scott Caldwell, December 22, 2009December 21, 2009 On the tenth day of viral, my movie gave to me….. Videos and Youtube. What a better way to expand upon all of the thoughts and theories that you came up with, than to completely make them change with the viewing of one video. Or in some cases, multiple videos.Some videos can do just that, some can show you parts of the film as something you wouldn’t expect, some can be looked at as is. Here are a few favorites and what we got to see. Inglourious Basterds – Nation’s Pride Trailer Watchmen – Who Watches the Watchmen? Cloverfield – Chuai Station Attack You can look at these video as some sort of a prequel, they can be taken right from the background of the film, or they can just be another way that the creators of the film want it to be seen. Either way, they create quite the stir once revealed. These can play a vital part as the film gets closer to it’s release date. Sometime, they can be an add from a film like these honorable mentions: Oh all of the discussion from that damn Slusho! commercial. Those were the days. Other Days In The “12 Days of Viral” Series: A trailer without a title A Twitter account with the truth Three Websites My face on the site 800 Numbers Password protection Facebook interaction Contests and winnings Cell phones for calling Viral Marketing 2012CloverfieldInglourious BasterdsWatchmen
This Week In Viral: Week of 6/8/09 June 15, 2009June 15, 2009This was a good week for viral, especially for District 9, which saw more posters, an official website (finally), and now more footage. Matt will have a full breakdown of the footage screened in front of Pelham 123 in some theaters tomorrow. The clips showed more of the aliens (including… Read More
J.J. Abrams Puts You in the Action With “Action Movie FX” App December 25, 2011December 25, 2011Have you ever wished that your life was more like an action movie? Well, now you have the chance to take a step closer to that dream with the iTunes app Action Movie FX from Bad Robot Interactive, J.J. Abrams’ company. Take video with your iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad… Read More
2012: Survival Lottery is a Sham November 6, 2009Looks like Soren was right about keeping an eye on the guy selling the Naaczaal ticket. As we reported earlier today, the scalper gave the name and link to an Isabella St Simon, for whom he supposedly had a personalized ticket. At the time, her website didn’t have anything referencing… Read More